NPSS Honour Roll

NPSS Honour Roll 2024/25 


Grade 10 & 11 – Students must be taking a minimum of three (4 credit) courses each semester at North Peace Secondary for a total of six courses throughout the year to qualify.

Grade 12 – Graduating With Honours (Honours Sash) Requirement 

To graduate with honours and receive the honours sash students need to meet all of the following requirements:

  • Earned Principal’s Honour Roll in Grade 11 (all terms) and Grade 12 (Terms 1-3) 
  • Must be enrolled in at least one course for Terms 1-3
  • Must have taken a minimum of six Grade 12 courses (4 credits each) in Grades 10-12
  • Earned a minimum of 86% (A) in each of these six courses
  • The qualifying Grade 12 courses must have been taken through North Peace Secondary


“NEW” 2025-2026 School Year: Honour Sash

Sash Message: 

2024/2025 marks the final year NPSS will recognize the Honours Sash at graduation. 

The Honours Sash was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic when large ceremonies with friends and family were not possible. For the past two years, we continued the Sash, knowing that it would not be a permanent feature of our graduation ceremony. Now, the time has come to retire the Sash as we return to our traditional ceremony, celebrating all of our graduates together. Therefore, June 2025 will be the last graduating class to display the sash.

  • Courses that DO NOT Count towards the Honour Roll
  • Support block courses (XSIEP, XLDCA, XLIFE courses) 

Disqualifiers for the Honour Roll

  • “IE” – “Insufficient Evidence” in any term. 
  • Calculating Honour Roll

The honour roll is calculated using the term grades for Terms 1 and 3. For Terms 2 and 4 the honour roll is based on the term grades and not final grades. The term grades are used to calculate the student’s GPA (grade point average). 

Principal’s Honour Roll = 7 GPA 

Gold Honour Roll = 6.50 to 6.98 GPA 

Burgundy Honour Roll = 6.00 to 6.48 GPA 

Example of How the Honour Roll is Calculated:  

A:    86% – 100%7ART STUDIO 1196%7
B:    73% – 85%6SOCIAL STUDIES 1096%7
C+:  67% – 72%5WORKPLACE MATH 1090%7
C:    60% – 66%4FOODS 1084%6
C-:   50% – 59%0Total of GPA for the 4 courses =   27
F027 GPA divided by 4 courses =6.75Gold Honour Roll