An essential requirement for graduation is the completion of the BC Graduation Assessments: Grade 10 Literacy Assessment, Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, and the Grade 12 Literacy Assessment. All three assessments are required for a student to graduate. The Grade 10 Literacy and Numeracy Assessments should be written in a student’s grade 10 year. The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment must be written in a student’s grade 12 year.
The Ministry of Education determines when the assessments can be written; these dates are fixed. Student Services will schedule when students write their assessments within these windows depending on a student’s schedule. For example, students write the Literacy Assessment in their English 10 or 12 class and the numeracy Assessment during their Math 10 class. Students must attend and write the assessments during their scheduled times. Students may not begin any later than 30 minutes after their scheduled start time.
We will be using an altered schedule on Monday, November 1st and Tuesday, November 2nd, to allow adequate time to write the assessments. The number of assessments students will write during the assessment window depends on where their English and Math classes occur.
We will be positing the altered schedule on the school website and social media accounts. Please do your best to be present and on time during assessment week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Student Services or NPSS Administration.
Kind Regards,
NPSS Administration
Graduation Assessment Information for Parents & Students