NPSS Honour Roll

NPSS Honour Roll 2023/2024 


Grade 10 & 11 – Students must be taking a minimum of three (4 credit) courses each semester at North Peace Secondary for a total of six courses throughout the year to qualify.

Students currently in Grade 11 (2023-24 year) must look below to the *NEW* Requirements for 2024/2025 to meet the requirements for the ‘Honours Sash’.


Grade 12 – Graduating With Honours (Honours Sash) Requirement

To receive the honours sash students need to meet all of the following requirements:

  • Earned Principal’s Honour Roll in Grade 12 in Terms 1-3
  • Must have taken a minimum of four Grade 12 courses (4 credit) in their Grade 12 year
  • Earned a minimum of 86% (A) in each of these four courses 
  • The Grade 12 courses must have been taken at North Peace Secondary

Courses that DO NOT Count towards the Honour Roll

  • Support block courses (XSIEP, XLDCA, XLIFE courses) 

Disqualifiers for the Honour Roll

  • “IE” – “Insufficient Evidence” in any term. 

*NEW* Requirements for 2024/2025 

To graduate with honours and receive the honours sash students need to meet all of the following requirements:

  • Earned Principal’s Honour Roll in Grade 11 (all terms) and Grade 12 (Terms 1-3) 
  • Must have taken a minimum of six Grade 12 courses (4 credit) in Grades 10-12
  • Earned a minimum of 86% (A) in each of these six courses
  • The qualifying Grade 12 courses must have been taken through North Peace Secondary


Calculating Honour Roll

The honour roll is calculated using the term grades for Terms 1 and 3. For Terms 2 and 4 the honour roll is based on the term grades and not final grades. The term grades are used to calculate the student’s GPA (grade point average). 

Principal’s Honour Roll = 7 GPA 

Gold Honour Roll = 6.50 to 6.98 GPA 

Burgundy Honour Roll = 6.00 to 6.48 GPA 

Example of How the Honour Roll is Calculated:  

A:    86% – 100%7ART STUDIO 1196%7
B:    73% – 85%6SOCIAL STUDIES 1096%7
C+:  67% – 72%5WORKPLACE MATH 1090%7
C:    60% – 66%4FOODS 1084%6
C-:   50% – 59%0Total of GPA for the 4 courses =   27
F027 GPA divided by 4 courses =6.75Gold Honour Roll