Male Athlete of the week: Colton DyckFemale Athlete of the Week: Isabella ZiebartJunior Boys Basketball TeamJunior Girls Basketball Team
The Grizzlies had a bit of a slow start, succumbing to some nerves against high pressure from Duchess Park.
Male Athlete of the week: Colton DyckFemale Athlete of the Week: Isabella ZiebartJunior Boys Basketball TeamJunior Girls Basketball Team
The Grizzlies had a bit of a slow start, succumbing to some nerves against high pressure from Duchess Park.
Sr Alt has been working hard making Valentine’s cards and cookies for our Valentines for Seniors project. With NPSS closed yesterday, we had to ask for help; Leigh Anne baked us some cookies to add to the ones already baked in Mark’s class and we were able to borrow space at Robert Ogilvie to finish decorating.
Writer and musician Brendan McLeod visited NPSS today to perform a monologue about struggles with obsessions, mental health, and friendships. Students wishing to find out more about the topics discussed in the presentation can visit the counselling office.
Photos updated Feb.13 - Submitted by Wonhye Jeong
NPSS student Wonhye Jeong submitted her artwork and an artist statement for the ‘Show Off! High School Art Competition, sponsored by the Alberta University of the Arts. Her art will be showcased in AUArts’ Main Mall public viewing area from March 11-23.