General Student Information

Announcements and Messages

Announcements will be made at the end of the day. Most messages and announcements will be displayed on the hallway television monitors. It is the responsibility of the students to read these announcements.  Occasionally, there will be announcements read over the intercom system.  Students are expected to be quiet during the announcements.

The office will accept phone messages only from parents/guardians or employers of students.


Students will be assigned their own locker. Only school locks can be used on the lockers and these are issued at the school office. Students are responsible for damage done to their locker and they will be assessed for damages and appropriate charges for cleaning, if necessary. The school authorities cannot be held responsible for valuables left in lockers. Under no circumstances are lockers to be shared.

If any student has reason to believe that any locker contains anything that could threaten the safety of other students, staff or any other person, that student is expected to immediately report the information to a teacher or administrator. The name of the student making the report will be kept confidential. Administration has the authority to inspect lockers if there is reason to believe they contain illegal or dangerous items.

Money and Valuables

Students should not leave money and valuables in their lockers or unattended anywhere in the school. The school is not responsible for theft from lockers. A Lost & Found box is located outside the cafeteria. After one month, items remaining may be disposed and taken to one of the local charities.

Medical Room

A medical room is available for students who become ill during the day and cannot go home. Students who become ill and reside in town must arrange for parental consent to sign out before leaving the school. Students making use of the medical room must sign in through the office.

Parking~The parking lot is for parking only.  Loitering in the parking lot is not permitted.

Students wishing to drive to school and park on the premises are to register their vehicle(s) at the office (note: there is not a charge for registering your vehicle).  Parking passes/stickers need to be visible in the windshield of the vehicle.  Students are to park only in the student parking lot at the north end of the school. Handicapped parking areas must be observed. Fire lanes and emergency vehicle access lanes must not be blocked. There is no parking on the grass or in front of the Technology Education overhead doors. Bicycles must be locked in the bicycle stands provided. Parking is not allowed in front of the Day Care.

The Tire Boot will be used in those instances where vehicles are:

  • inappropriately parked or
  • without a visible parking pass/sticker.

Students who receive ‘the boot‘ will need to report to the office to meet with administration.


Cell Phone Use

  • At Main Campus, students are expected to keep their devices in a locker, school bag, or box/bag provided by the classroom teacher during instructional time. There will be a box/bag available in every classroom. Definition of ‘Instructional Time’: From the bell that begins the class to the bell that ends the class. 

Emergency phone calls from parents/guardians during class time should be made through the main office.

Student Telephone

One telephone is provided for student use, and is located just outside the Career Centre office. A pay phone is located in the gym foyer.