Students Rights & Responsibilities

North Peace is a secondary school where most students are above the compulsory attendance age. The school operates on the assumption that students have chosen to attend school with the desire to further their education and have accepted responsibility for their own learning.

Freedom of Information & Privacy

While in attendance at NPSS, students and parents have the right to expect their personal records/information will be protected.  In order to ensure this occurs no information on students will be given to anyone other than parents/guardians or authorities regulated by law. This includes demographics, attendance, student schedules and all other data relevant to individual students.  A signed consent will be required by outside agencies when circumstances arise where this information is needed.

All students are issued a letter of consent, in September or upon their registration, regarding publication of photos/school-related activities in newspaper, yearbook and other media sources.  If students do not receive this letter please check with the school office.  Please note that if the letter consent indicates that no publication is allowed, this will apply to all school-related publications and lists (e.g. Honor Roll lists, Grad Lists, Yearbook, newspaper articles, etc.).

While on campus, all students are prohibited from taking picture(s) and/or video(s) of other NPSS community members without permission. Permission must be obtained prior to taking pictures/videos.

Attendance Policy 

The staff at NPSS believes that student academic success is directly related to regular attendance in each class.
All students are expected to attend all classes, including assemblies, and be prepared to learn, unless illness or other unforeseen incident prevents this.
3-5 absences:
Teachers will connect with parents.
5-10 absences:
Teachers will connect a second time with parents and place an office referral.
10 + absences:
A letter from the Vice Principals will be sent home.
20 + absences:
A final letter and a phone call from the admin team explaining that your child’s academic performance is now under review.
At this point, students may be withdrawn from the course.

Parents or Guardians are requested to call the school (250-785-4429) or email prior to 3 pm on the day their son/daughter is absent.

Homework Policy

A period of more than 3 days is considered an extended absence. Parents are requested to contact the school office as soon as possible if their child find themselves in a position where an extended absence is unavoidable (i.e. serious illness, death in family, etc.). The office will ensure that teachers are notified and a homework request submitted to them. In order to assist teachers in compiling assignments, an estimate of the length of the absence will required. Due to the number of staff involved, this request will take 24 hours to process. Absences for 3 days or less, family holidays or other non-medical reasons will require the student to take the responsibility of arranging for homework on their own.

Dress Code

Revised April 2021(by Student Council reps and staff)

All clothing must be appropriate for a place of learning for our students and the workplace of our staff. We ask our students and staff to use careful discretion and common sense when deciding what is appropriate coverage for a place of learning and work. We also ask everyone to respect the choices and views of their peers and colleagues.

We encourage our students to express themselves creatively through their outfits, however, clothing and accessories featuring  alcohol, drug, or hate speech related messages or symbols will not be tolerated.

While there are guidelines that are useful in determining what is appropriate for students to wear to school, should a disagreement arise, a discussion will be had between student, staff and parents.

Drugs/Alcohol at School or at a School Function

The consumption/use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs by students while under school supervision is contrary to Board regulations and is, in fact, illegal as the school is a public place. The school may suspend and refer the student to the Student Conduct Committee. The school may ask for the expulsion of any student under its supervision who sells drugs and will report the incident so appropriate legal action may be taken. Students may be required to complete a series of drug/alcohol counselling session.

Smoking/ Vaping

As of March 2008, the government of British Columbia established tobacco free laws that included banning tobacco use in school and on school property. At North Peace Secondary, we have provided an area off school property for those who feel the need to smoke or vape. The school will issue the following consequences for those students who are caught vaping, smoking, holding lighted tobacco and chewing tobacco on school property:
Students involved with vaping or smoking will automatically receive a 2 day in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Second Offense -Three-day formal suspension
Third Offense -Five-day formal suspension
Fourth Offense -Formal suspension until meeting with School District Student Conduct Committee
Vapes will only be returned to parents at their request. Vapes not claimed by parents will be destroyed and discarded.


The school will make every effort to prevent acts of vandalism and to reduce opportunities for vandalism. Restitution will be sought from those responsible for damage.

Discipline Procedures

When a student behaves inappropriately, the teacher will follow his/her classroom management plan. If the student continues to act inappropriately, the teacher may remove the student from the classroom environment and/or send them to the office. Once a student has been referred to the office, his/her actions are documented and consequences are assigned. Each additional office referral may result in further consequences. Incidents of a severe nature will immediately result in an office referral.

While it is hoped a student is never referred to the office, the system is in place to put the primary focus in the classroom on learning and leaves appropriate behaviour the responsibility of the student. Both academic and behavior concerns may result in action by office personnel.

In-School Suspension

This action serves as notification to students and parents that further behaviour and/or academic referrals may lead to a formal suspension.

Formal Suspension/District Student Conduct Committee Referral

Unfortunately, some students receive formal suspensions because of their failure to meet the expectations of this school. Suspensions are our way of saying to a student that he/she cannot behave contrary to the school rules and still expect to attend school. We are protecting the orderly environment of the school by excluding the student. A student under suspension may not be on school property unless given permission by an administrator.

Persistent failure to meet expectations and/or severe incidents may result in referral to the Student Conduct Committee of the School Board for further disciplinary action.

NOTE:  During any exclusion a student is encouraged to maintain academic standards by arranging to pick up resources/class materials at a time specified by the school authority. Teachers will not be available for individualized instructions to these students.

Parents should feel free to contact the administration with any questions or concerns arising from any disciplinary decision.